Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Two Close Calls!!

Guys, I just hyperlinked again! Right out of nowhere! Well, technically, I guess everytime I do it is out of nowhere, because me and Sketch still haven't figured out what triggers them. My jumps, I mean. Or my leaps? We'll have to come up with a cool name for what I do.

Anyway, it happened the second my mom opened the door. I know this because as soon as I got back from my jump/leap, she opened the door again and I was standing in the middle of my room. She asked where I was thirty seconds ago when she opened the door the first time. I played it off, but if I wanted to, I could actually tell her this time, because this time I actually know.

I was definitely at the Biltmore. The same office, I'm pretty sure. This time I was able to open the door and step out because no one was there. I saw a letter on the desk and it had the Biltmore name on it...and it was dated February 1942! I was just about to start snooping around for more clues when the office door opened and two men came in. They called for Security and tried to rush me. They stopped short as soon as the glowing blue line came under my feet. Next thing I know, I hyped right out of there. Hyped--I think that's the word we'll use.

So now I know that whatever happened at the Biltmore happened in February 1942, and it all has something to do with art being moved. Now I just have to find out what it all means, why I'm involved, and who just sent me this text: WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE. WE KNOW YOUR SECRET.

Finally...A CLUE!!!

At least I think it's a clue.

All I know is that I was passing by Mr. Allister's art room today at school when I caught a quick look at a newscast he was watching on TV with his class. The news guy said something about some artwork that's going to be moved to a place called the Biltmore. He said it's the second time an important move like this has happened.

That's all I heard, but it made me stop dead in my tracks--because one of the guys outside that closet door when I hyperlinked said something about the Biltmore too.

Mom's in the hallway. I'll try to Google some stuff about art at the Biltmore and post whatever I find later.

Oops, she's knocking. Gotta go!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sketch Here, Taggin' Linc's Blog!

So how stoked am I that my best friend Linc is a superhero? He doesn't like to be called that, but how else do you describe someone who has the ability to travel through cyberspace and time?

You probably don't believe it. I mean, I wouldn't even have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes. One minute Linc was standing in front of me outside Mr. Dearborn's class, the next minute I see this glowing blue line under his feet, and the very next minute he's gone! Disappeared into thin air! About thirty seconds later he's standing in front of me again talking about some art thieves and how he has to stop them. I didn't hear much more than that because my mouth was hanging like duuuuuuude, whooooooaaa.

So that's what's up. Now we have to figure out why he's been hyperlinked to the same place twice. And just where is this place? What is the year? Who are these people, and how do we stop them when we're just kids?

I don't know. But Linc won't let it go, so my job as the trusty faithful sidekick is to help him right wrongs and bring justice and all that stuff.

I can totally do that. Oh yea, and someone is totally following Linc!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Long Story Short

I was checking my email on my mom's computer last Saturday when lightning struck the phone line (she still uses a dial-up connection), fried the modem, and knocked me off the chair. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in the hospital. The doctor said I must've blacked out when I hit the floor.

Only I wasn't really blacked out. Not right away, anyway. I mean, my body was obviously still laying there on the floor behind my mother's desk and it must've looked like I was unconscious, but that's not what was really going on. Somehow--I know this sounds crazy and I can't explain it--somehow I ended up in the closet of an office I've never been in before. Listening to voices I didn't recognize. And I could tell by the way they talked and the words they used that it wasn't 2009 anymore.

I swear it's true, all of it. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried. What makes it worse is that while I was crouching in that closet for those thirty seconds hoping not to get caught, I heard those voices planning to steal some artwork. Lots of expensive artwork. And then I don't remember anything after that, except waking up in the hospital with my mom standing over me crying.

That was the first incident. Today was the second, and this time it was right in front of Sketch. That's when we realized my new ability.

So for now I have to hide my real identity and location. Me and Sketch both. Because not only do we have to figure out where I was and what I overheard--we also have to figure out who's following me.