Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sketch Here, Taggin' Linc's Blog!

So how stoked am I that my best friend Linc is a superhero? He doesn't like to be called that, but how else do you describe someone who has the ability to travel through cyberspace and time?

You probably don't believe it. I mean, I wouldn't even have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes. One minute Linc was standing in front of me outside Mr. Dearborn's class, the next minute I see this glowing blue line under his feet, and the very next minute he's gone! Disappeared into thin air! About thirty seconds later he's standing in front of me again talking about some art thieves and how he has to stop them. I didn't hear much more than that because my mouth was hanging like duuuuuuude, whooooooaaa.

So that's what's up. Now we have to figure out why he's been hyperlinked to the same place twice. And just where is this place? What is the year? Who are these people, and how do we stop them when we're just kids?

I don't know. But Linc won't let it go, so my job as the trusty faithful sidekick is to help him right wrongs and bring justice and all that stuff.

I can totally do that. Oh yea, and someone is totally following Linc!

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